byhand Newsletter

brought to you in living colour by Quietfire Design
Helping you create beautiful things to share
April/May 2008 - Issue 69


Gentle Thoughts



Quicky playtime artwork by Suzanne Cannon
for more information on how this artwork was made see this blog entry


Important links at your fingertips!

byhand Products

Calligraphy Supplies
Embellishments of all types
Gentle Thoughts Rubber Stamps
Other Cool Stuff
Watercolours, Acrylics and more
Paper of all types
Pens Pencils Pastels & Markers
Textile products

Inspiration & Information

Projects for you to create
Great ideas to apply to your art!

Suzanne's Blog
Suzanne's Workshops


In Association with

Information for YOU!

For submissions to this newsletter and the Galleries!
I love to see your artwork!



New Bookbinding Kit!

Caught in Canvas is now available! Read more here!

Visit the new

It's a work in progress!

and meet the new Techniques Button!

When you see this button in the byhand Product pages, click it and you will see a technique using this product. The backgound for this button comes from Wanda Hentges background technique which you can see later in this newsletter. Thanks Wanda!

Check out the new artwork submitted by very talented artists, using the following products:

Light Tomorrow
If I had a Star
If nothing ever changed
Friendship is a sheltering tree
Don't let Yesterday
The Perfect Pair of Shoes

Artwork by
Sonja Idema
Lisa Jo (Jolis) DeAngelis
Wanda Hentges
Connie Poitter


Quotations Forum at
Eloquence at Quietfire Design

Have you visited the new Quotations Forum yet?
Here are some recently added gems!
Thanks to those of you who have contributed - you're awesome!

After all, what was the whole wide world but a place for people to yearn for their heart's impossible desires, for those desires to become entrenched in defiance of logic, plausibility, and even the passage of time, as eternal as polished marble." - Empire Falls by Richard Russo

contributed by vmburkhardt

Personality can open doors,but only character can keep them open.

contributed by WandaH

It takes a lifetime to become a child. ~ Picasso

contributed by quietfire

Drop in and pick up a quotation
- an
d leave a new one behind!


Enter recipient's e-mail:

Click here to join byhandartists
Click to join byhandartists
Click here to sign up for this newsletter!
Fill out your email address in the News column or better yet (and to control your Quietfire Design subscriptions) create a Customer profile in the Customer Login Section.
I don't share your information!

Suzanne is a member of the

Visit my little gallery page on the ISABA website!

Please drop into my other website

While you nourish your creative spirit by reading this newsletter, don't forget your creative body needs nourishment inside and out!

Quietfire Design is now part of Rubberstampchat!
We have a VIP Gallery where I'd love to see you post your creations using your Quietfire Gentle Thoughts Rubber Stamps.
Click here for the direct link to the Quietfire Gallery - have a browse, become a member and post your art to share!

Instructors Supply Lists

(find them on the website under Categories)

Going to a calligraphic workshop soon?

Judy Melvin

If you are attending this workshop, click on the photos above to see the supply list including links to their websites and their products that I carry!


Guest Designer Project

A Tin for your Tools

Click on the photo to go to the project with complete instructions.

Tool Tin Instructions

Thanks Ramona! I've been a fan of your artwork for years!
Readers can find other samples of Ramona's artwork in the newsletter archives.
And I have to add this in - Ramona finished her Graphic Design course in April and is a new Mom as of May 10!
Congratulations Ramona! Thanks for squeezing this project in for us!

My name is Ramona. I live in Hamburg, Germany.
I am graphic designer, yoga teacher and soon mother to my second child. My love for creativity and art started in my childhood with endless hours on the lap of my grandfather, who patiently drew cats for me. During my education as graphic designer I learned to love calligraphy and started to let it be a part of my art. I enjoy swaps and collaborative projects as well as challenges and doodles. Feel free to visit my blog.

Thank you Suzanne for encouraging me to be guest designer. I really enjoy your rubberstamps and the wonderful things one can create with them.

Ed. - You can see Ramona's artwork published in Stampington's Wedding issues - she even used Quietfire Design Rubber stamps! Thanks Ramona!


Inspiration and Projects for you from the
Quietfire Design Team!

We've changed the format for the Design Team Monthly Projects!

The beautiful and talented Quietfire Design Team will now be presenting their fabulous projects to you each week!

If you're a registered subscriber, make sure you've checked off that you want to receive the Card Projects Newsletter (even though it won't always be cards - I'm afraid to change the name, I'm not sure what my website will do!).


Have you seen the Fabulous Design Team's artwork in print????
The artwork of Wanda Hentges can be seen in the May Issue of Vamp Stamp News! (Page 7) and Scrap & Stamp Arts (Page 22).
You can see the artwork of Kelly Burton in the current issue of Artful Blogging, pages 28, 30 and 31.

Deborah March has an article in the new issue of Scrap & Stamp, 4 pages long, using Quietfire Rubber and Dreamweaver Stencils starting on page 44. She also has a card on page 42.

January's Guest Designer Kristy Christopherson has her artwork (using Quietfire Rubber) in the new issue of Take Ten, pages 77 and 87.

Well done, ladies!!

Caught in Canvas is now a Bookbinding Kit!

book by Suzanne Cannon

book by Wanda Henges

You've been asking for it - well now you can have it!

Complete with all the materials you will need for creating the book and the instructions you've come to trust!

You will need to have some basic bookbinding tools. How you decorate the covers is up to you! Oh, the fun you'll have!

Click here for details

April was the 7th Anniversary of the byhand Newsletter!
A huge thanks to everyone who has contributed and been part of this newsletter during the last 7 years!

Here are a list of the prize winners:

Yogi Grunwald - won the $40 gift certificate for sending in a postcard
A huge thanks to everyone who sent in their artwork! It's truly wonderful to see it in real life.

Sandie Reid - won a $30 gift certificate for the Scavenger Hunt
Thanks to everyone who took time to do the Scavenger Hunt! I hope you enjoyed seeing lots of wonderful artwork on the Design Team's blogs!

Angela Englund won a $30 gift certifcate for participating in the weekly Created byhand Challenge!
If you'd like to see the artwork posted from the week of this draw, click here! (Scroll down and click on each participant link to see their artwork)

Congratulations ladies! Enjoy your new art toys!

Here are the postcards entered in the draw! Thanks to everyone who sent them in - I had some Fabulous mail days!
To see each creation larger, please click on the image!

Anne Atkinson

Beth Akins

Beth Akins

Beth Akins

Beth Akins

Beth Akins

Cindy Bowles

Donna Verre

Jane Stafford

Jennifer Willis

Joanne Ross


Sher Springall

Theresa Dunkley

Yogi Grunwald

Yvonne Dacey


Designer Judi Maddigan has created these delightful

Beaded Book Thongs

using Quietfire Design's
Waxed Linen Thread

Read all about it here with full instructions.

You are in for a very special treat this month!
Although you don't get to hold the originals, you get the next best thing!

byhand Artists Background Swap
March 2008

lovingly hosted by Donna Cerny
thanks so much Donna!

and a huge thanks to Yogi Grunwald for scanning all these samples!

The participants of this swap are very generously sharing these techniques in the

Quietfire Design Techniques Gallery


Joanne's bound swap
(to see more of this book, click here)

Yogi's Bound Swap
(to see more of this book, click here)

Click on each image below to go to the Technique page, a new browser window will open. Close the page when you've finished viewing and you will be right back here.

Beth A

Beth Ann W

Debby B


Jane H

Joanne R

Linda T

Monica B

Ruth C

Sandie R

Suzanne C

Wanda H

Wendy K

Yogi G


Dates Location Workshop To register, please contact:
May 30 Nanoose BC The Coptic Journal Nanoose Weavers & Spinners
June 14 Victoria BC Caught in Canvas Island Blue Print
June 15 Victoria BC Altered Board Books Island Blue Print

To see a complete list (more or less!) of the classes Suzanne teaches, click here!

Gifts for the Artists in the Spotlight
Free Rubber!

Have you had your artwork published in a magazine?
Did it mention that you used products from Quietfire Design?

If so, then you are eligible to receive a reward of free rubber stamps!
There is one reward per issue at this time. You will need to have credited Quietfire Design in print and supply a photo/scan of the artwork and text with the credit. I'll be absolutely over the moon and will send you on a $25 shopping spree through the Gentle Thoughts Rubber Stamps.

Qualifying Publications:
Just Cards (have you seen the Quietfire ad?)
Rubberstamp Madness (have you seen the Quietfire ad?)
Somerset Studio
Scrap and Stamp
Stampers Sampler
Take 10 (or other Stampington publications)

Just check with me for other publications that may qualify.

Create without Limits!

Submissions to this newsletter and the Galleries!

I love to see your artwork using Quietfire Design Products and would love to share them with others on my website.
If you've created something - let me know!
Preferably, send me an email with a link to your online artwork and I'll pick it up there

Warn me in advance that you're sending a jpg.

I'm at
please put Submissions in the subject line. Thanks!

Do you have a technique you'd like to share? The Techniques Gallery awaits your inspiration!


Artists whose work is shown in this newsletter retain the copyright on their own work.

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© 2008 Suzanne Cannon
This newsletter is for the personal use of the subscriber and may not be reproduced without written permission from Suzanne. You are welcome to email or print it in its entirety to share with friends, but ask that you include this copyright. Thank you for your help and your understanding